Origin: Javier Cardozo
La Cabaña - Panorama
Javier, with nearly five decades of experience as a coffee
farmer, strives to cultivate exceptionally clean coffee. With dedication
to quality, he expresses the hope that coffee drinkers will appreciate
his efforts.
His son, Arvey Cardozo, manages an adjacent farm from which we have also sourced coffee from before.
Harvest & Post-Harvest
The cherries at La Cabaña are picked every 15 days and then taken to
Javier’s wet mill. They are then fermented for 36 hours, washed, and
dried on covered and raised beds.
Javier mainly cultivates Castillo and Colombia varieties.
Coocentral serves as the primary cooperative in Central Huila, with
members typically owning farms ranging from 2 to 3 hectares at altitudes
between 1400 to 2000 metres above sea level. The main varieties
cultivated are Caturra, Castillo, and Variedad Colombia. The cooperative
boasts 3747 members, of which 2098 are active contributors, delivering
their parchment to reception points in various local villages (Veredas).
Purchase points are located in Gigante, Garzon, Guadalupe, Suaza
Tarqui, Pital, and Agrado. The harvest season in Central Huila spans
from May to July and October to December.
Since 2005, Coocentral has invested 2.8 million USD in social
programs. These initiatives encompass housing, university education,
healthcare support (e.g., Coocentral covers 50% of hospital bills),
funeral expenses, infrastructure development on farms, bonuses for
fertiliser purchases made through the coop, life and natural disaster
insurance, an in-house education system for young growers and growers'
children, as well as pension funds. Growers receive 100% of the premium
paid above the current market and daily purchasing prices.